[?]: Accountant s7

SIMATIC S7-200/300/400, Step7, PCS7, CFC, SFC, PDM, PLCSIM,
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[?]: Accountant s7

Post by pilhetes »

I need some function in S7 300 or 400, that he/she does of accountants, for example to count m3 of H2O! Each pulse increases in the accountant!! At least 8 cipher.
Can anybody help me!??

Thank you

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Post by PLC_ITA »

Please describe better your problem.
Do you have a analog input, or do you want count a pulse ?

Another one : if you use a "real" you have more then 8 characters...

I have more function for this problem, but i need your e-mail.
Send me a private message, and answer at my question

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