[?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/writer
[?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/writer
Dear all,
Is it possible to modify, add and delete blocks stored on the flash memory card (used in CPU 313C) through reading/writing from/to it using a standard USB (multiple) flash memory reader/writer?
Could downloading hardware changes also work?
Which (extra) software would i need except from the Step7 v5.3 SP3?
Which brand(s) of hardware USB reader/writers do work?
Thanx and greetings!
Is it possible to modify, add and delete blocks stored on the flash memory card (used in CPU 313C) through reading/writing from/to it using a standard USB (multiple) flash memory reader/writer?
Could downloading hardware changes also work?
Which (extra) software would i need except from the Step7 v5.3 SP3?
Which brand(s) of hardware USB reader/writers do work?
Thanx and greetings!
Don't try to fiddle with the Siemens MMC . It is a standard MMC card , but the header format is specific to Siemens, and cannot yet be reproduced, except from the manufacturer , who has the ability to write to this header section..
You can use MMC from other manufacturer if CID and CSD records in the MMC match the SIEMENS CID, CSD records.
64KB-4MB SIEMENS MMC cards work on the same hardware (16MB MMC), 8MB SIEMENS MMC are 32MB MMC.
You can't copy format from 4MB card to 64KB as 4MB and 64KB cards work at the same hardware because have diferent CID records.
S7s recognise MMC size from CID, CSD and card format. All these three records must match.
CID and CSD records are OTP (one time programable by manufacturer)In CSD register last 8 bits and CRC are partialy user programable
If you try to format in a PC , then BYE BYE MMC as this will destroy the header, and you will need to send this back to Siemens.
There are tools around such as
S7imgrd and S7imgwr but these don't make true bit copy of MMC!!!!
Hope this helps , i would suggest currently DON'T PLAY , unless you want to potentially screw up your Siemens MMC.
Someone will i'm sure come up with a solution in the not to distant future.
Don't try to fiddle with the Siemens MMC . It is a standard MMC card , but the header format is specific to Siemens, and cannot yet be reproduced, except from the manufacturer , who has the ability to write to this header section..
You can use MMC from other manufacturer if CID and CSD records in the MMC match the SIEMENS CID, CSD records.
64KB-4MB SIEMENS MMC cards work on the same hardware (16MB MMC), 8MB SIEMENS MMC are 32MB MMC.
You can't copy format from 4MB card to 64KB as 4MB and 64KB cards work at the same hardware because have diferent CID records.
S7s recognise MMC size from CID, CSD and card format. All these three records must match.
CID and CSD records are OTP (one time programable by manufacturer)In CSD register last 8 bits and CRC are partialy user programable
If you try to format in a PC , then BYE BYE MMC as this will destroy the header, and you will need to send this back to Siemens.
There are tools around such as
S7imgrd and S7imgwr but these don't make true bit copy of MMC!!!!
Hope this helps , i would suggest currently DON'T PLAY , unless you want to potentially screw up your Siemens MMC.
Someone will i'm sure come up with a solution in the not to distant future.
Hearings about misoperation of these programs are too exaggerated.flashy wrote:If you try to format in a PC , then BYE BYE MMC as this will destroy the header, and you will need to send this back to Siemens.
There are tools around such as S7imgrd and S7imgwr but these don't make true bit copy of MMC!!!!
I successfully restored the formatted MMC cards by means of these programs.
The restored MMC cards without problems work for me at the stand.
Basically it is possible to write the program for transformation of an image of a MMC card to projects.
CoMod in Russian wrote:Слухи о неправильной работе этих программ слишком преувеличены.
Я успешно восстанавливал отформатированные карты памяти с помощью этих программ.
Восстановленные карты без проблем работают у меня на стенде.
В принципе можно написать программу для преобразования образа карты памяти.
Comod youv'e played a bit more than perhaps i have , and from what i understand, if you copy an MMC of a certain size to another identically sized MMC both of which both have to be from Siemens (or with the same header ID ) with these tools from a PC reader ,i was lead to believe it would work..
I know from my experience i have tried to copy a say 128Mb MMC from Siemens to another standard MMC that was 1Gb in size, and i didn'y work , using these tools . Infact it totally wrecked the 1GB mmc and it would only then format as a 1Mb..
I know from my experience i have tried to copy a say 128Mb MMC from Siemens to another standard MMC that was 1Gb in size, and i didn'y work , using these tools . Infact it totally wrecked the 1GB mmc and it would only then format as a 1Mb..
I for experiment have made an image of a Simatic MMC.
Then has formatted some Simatic MMC in Windows.
Then has restored these Simatic MMC from an image.
I speak about an image and a Simatic MMC of one size.
from Russian forum http://www.automation-drives.ru/forum/v ... php?t=6072
Я для эксперимента сделал образ карты. Затем отформатировал несколько карт в Windows.
Затем восстановил эти карты из образа.
Я говорю об образе и карте одного размера.
http://www.automation-drives.ru/forum/v ... php?t=6072
Then has formatted some Simatic MMC in Windows.
Then has restored these Simatic MMC from an image.
I speak about an image and a Simatic MMC of one size.
from Russian forum http://www.automation-drives.ru/forum/v ... php?t=6072
--- CoMod in Russian --------------Bls wrote: With specified above a site http://plctalk.net/qanda/showthread.php ... c+password I took an image and filled in it through winhex 14.1
These versions of images were not picked up by the Spanish program...
I have overcome a problem by own strength.
The image used 2 mb from the above-stated site.
The image has appeared clumsy.
It also has helped me. I have started to compare in 16-HEX a code.
It was found out, that sites not deleted on MMC-cards to contain in the end of a file in a range of 00F4C000 addresses - 00F4C0A0.
Three bytes being that range should coincide with three bytes in a range 000001C0 - 000001F0.
If to be more objective can be and more than 3 bytes, but I think in each of chances it is possible to find dependence.
Я для эксперимента сделал образ карты. Затем отформатировал несколько карт в Windows.
Затем восстановил эти карты из образа.
Я говорю об образе и карте одного размера.
http://www.automation-drives.ru/forum/v ... php?t=6072
Bls in Russian wrote: С указанного выше сайта я брал образ и заливал его winhex`ом версии 14.1
"Испанкой" те версии образов не подхватывались...
Проблему я поборол своими силами.
Образ использовал 2-х мегабайтный с вышеуказанного сайта http://plctalk.net/qanda/showthread.php ... c+password .
Образ оказался корявый. Именно это мне и помогло. Я начал сравнивать в 16-ричном коде. Выяснилось, что неудаляемые на ммс-картах участки содержаться в конце файла в диапазоне адресов 00F4C000 - 00F4C0A0. Три байта находящиеся в том диапазоне должны совпадать с тремя байтами в диапазоне 000001C0 - 000001F0.
Если быть более обхективным, то может быть и больше 3 байтов, но думаю в каждом из возможных случаев можно найти зависимость.
Last edited by CoMod on Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Good afternoon all.
Have been restored two cards from four cards which have been spoiled at failure of power supplies.
Cards were used on 313 processors and had the size 64K.
Has restored by means of programs: s7imgrd and s7imgwr.
I wish good luck.
Have been restored two cards from four cards which have been spoiled at failure of power supplies.
Cards were used on 313 processors and had the size 64K.
Has restored by means of programs: s7imgrd and s7imgwr.
I wish good luck.
in Russian wrote:Добрый день всем.
Были восстановлены две карты из четырех карт,
которые были испорчены при сбое электропитания.
Карты использовались на 313 процессорах и имели размер 64К.
Восстановлены с помощью программ: s7imgrd and s7imgwr.
Желаю удачи.
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:17 am
- Location: Iran
EPROM Flash MC for S7-400 , How to Delete it's Contents.
How about EPROM MC for S7-400. Can i delete it's contents without a PG or USB Prommer?
Re: [?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/writer
I have a Simatic MMC that was formatted to FAT. When I try to restore it with WinHEX (I downloaded MMC image from here), I get an error message "Sector 28244 can't be read, sector does not exist". What else can I do?
Can somebody upload an image of 4 MB card for s7imgwr.exe? Thanks.
Can somebody upload an image of 4 MB card for s7imgwr.exe? Thanks.
Re: [?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/writer
when I try to write your image file with S7ImgWR1.exe, I get an error message:

What could be the reason?
when I try to write your image file with S7ImgWR1.exe, I get an error message:

What could be the reason?
Re: [?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/writer

sorry, I'm not created this image
and now I have not chance for test it - don't have 4MB MMC
openning image in S7imgwr(v0.9) looks OK...
all my images (only 2MB is my work):
Re: [?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/writer
Thank you very much for your help, I will try to use v0.9.
And here is an error that I get in WinHex:

And here is an error that I get in WinHex:

Re: [?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/writer
I downloaded 2 Mb image to my 4 Mb MMC (with 4 Mb image it was the same error). There were no errors, but my PLC does not recognize this MMC (STOP is flashing). So may be this MMC is dead 

Re: [?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/wr
Does anyone know how to run the read and writer utilities under Windows7? I keep getting an error: "Query did not match expected dive number", but under Windows XP it work's flawlessly.
Thanks in advance!
Does anyone know how to run the read and writer utilities under Windows7? I keep getting an error: "Query did not match expected dive number", but under Windows XP it work's flawlessly.
Thanks in advance!
Re: [?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/wr
You need to use only EXTERNAL card reader. I recovered my card same way.(Representative from Siemens helped me, and explained only external card reader).
Re: [?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/wr
Hey Alex.var!
I am using an external card reader, but not from Siemens... is yours from Siemens? Have you tried on Win7?
I am using an external card reader, but not from Siemens... is yours from Siemens? Have you tried on Win7?
Re: [?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/wr
No, card reader was not Siemens. Look here some where too many discosions about this problem. There are images from MMC, and one image realy does not work/Unfortunatly I deleted my images. When I tried on laptop with internal card reader did not work. Reprasentative from Siemens connected my MMC to external card reader with computer (not laptop, but may be this never mind) on XP and downloaded image. And my card started to work. Downloading procidure took very small time. When I tried with laptop it was very long and MMC did not want to work. I searched images here on forum and some image I had same message like you and some immage I downloaded succesfully but my MC did not work. After this I have ascked technical support from SIEMENS and herecovered my MMC. he told me he found image here on forum.
Re: [?]:Flash memory programming with standard USB reader/wr
I tried with the same card reader on another laptop, running Win XP, and it worked fine (backed up and restored my card with success). When I try on my laptop (running Win 7), with the same card, same image, same card reader, I get that error... so I think it's a compatibility problem with Win 7...