[?]: wincc flexible 2005 cannot rotate object.

ProTool, WinCC flexible, WinCC, PP/OP/TP/TD/MP
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[?]: wincc flexible 2005 cannot rotate object.

Post by masza02 »

Hi All!

I have problem with WinCC flexible 2005 (standard or advanced version).

I can't make any changes (I can't rotate, change colours etc.) in all object from winCC libary (barells, conveyors, motors etc.), why??

It is not possible on this version of WinCC???

Is another way to resolve the problem ??? Please help me.

Sorry My English.

Best regards !!!
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Post by CoMod »

In difference from Protool in WinCC Flexible these functions (rotate and mirror) are not realized for many graphic objects.
It is necessary to make new images.
Russian Support wrote:The opportunity to turn objects is incorporated in their functionality.
How much I know elements on the screen is ActiveX and if what that the element of a palette is written with opportunities of turn in the menu and there will be an access for such manipulation with it.
The opportunity of change of color, position on the screen certainly is.
-------- Russian -----------
В отличии от Protool в WinCC Flexible эти функции не реализованы для многих графических объектов.
Приходится делать новые изображения.
Русская техподдержка wrote: Возможность поворачивать объекты заложена в их функциональность.
Насколько я знаю элементы на экране - это ActiveX, и если какой то элемент палитры написан с возможностями поворота, то в меню и будет доступ для такой манипуляции с ним.
Возможность изменения цвета, положения на экране конечно есть.
http://www.automation-drives.ru/forum/v ... php?t=5394
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