Automation Studio™ is an innovative system design, simulation and project documentation software solution for the design and support of automation and fluid power systems. It is intended to be used by engineers and support personnel in a wide variety of related fields.
Automation Studio 5.0
i try it on 3 pc. it didnt work.i had no errors when i decompress the archiv
ok then i try to download the newer version by emule.maybe some one can crack it.
do you have a link for the 5.3 i only find 5.2
CoMod wrote:Before reupload need reunpack files to other partsize ,
because need change MD5 hash different from Rapid UploadBlackList.
In Russian: Перед перезаливкой надо переупаковать файлы, чтобы их контрольная сумма не совпадала c суммой MD5 из чёрного списка, иначе перезаливка не удастся.