[?]: Communication Simatic S7-313C 2DP & Wago 750-301

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[?]: Communication Simatic S7-313C 2DP & Wago 750-301

Post by crack_x01 »

Hi Friends

I have Simatic S7 300 (CPU 313C 2DP),Wago 750-301,750-400 digital input (10 unit),750-501 digital output (25 unit) and 750-600 end module.

I have problem, communication s7 300 between Wago 750-301.I dowloaded gsd file in wago web site.I am using step 7 V5.3 sp2.Wago 750-301 isn'n according in step 7 (cpu 313 2 dp ok,dp line ok,750-301 station ok,750-400 digital input (10 unit) and 750-501 digital output (25 unit) not accord)

can you help me ?

best regards
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