Versions 3.7, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, + various patches [372MB]
Useful for older windows versions (95-98 ); if you have those versions with poor hardware resources you should try one of these.
I had to split the whole archive in 3 parts, just use winrar to unpack.
Versions 6.1 [253MB]
This should be compatible with Windows98 and 2000.
Always install all latest Windows Service Pack.
Versions 6.2 [263MB]
This works with XP SP2 (tested). Some issues have been reported with Windows 2000 with poor RAM (at least 512MB suggested).
Surprised? Nah! You know: siemens sucks!
This is my small tribute for this great forum.
Hope this will be of some help to somebody.