[?]: Anybus-Com module in master mode

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[?]: Anybus-Com module in master mode

Post by konstant5 »

Does anyone have information about work whith anybus-com module in master mode.
In first, i can"t understand how module send requiest for information. I mean, i have to do pattern for send reqiest of information (frame), then device compare the pattern with information which slave has, if pattern and structure of information similar, then module make what? It write data in memory area, or it compare a datas with pattern (frame) in response and then write data in memory area, and are patterns in a query and in a response have to be similar or they can be different?
And just one more question. When i read a memory data from anybus com in SIMATIC, how i can recognize datas from memory area of anybus com, if a numbers of adresses are different in Simatic and in Anybus com?
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