Hello Personal Here it is going link to Step7 MicroWin V4.0 SP4
http://support.automation.siemens.com/W ... d=23544932
After Download expand the Files in a new Folder and
change the setup.INX Files
Your Download-Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/29748447/setup.inx.html
One more option for installation completes of the file STEP7-MicroWIN_V40_SP4.exe
For who doesn't want to substitute the file setup.inx there is this.
Before installing the file STEP7-MicroWIN_V40_SP4.exe
To create a file with the extension reg (nome.reg)
To edit that file with an editor WorPad and to increase these text lines
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
to join to the register windows
It only remains a good luck for the installation.
If it edits the file Setup.inx the following he/she can se
By Flopez
[Link]: Step7 MicroWin V4.0 SP4
Step7 MicroWin V40 SP4
Does anybody has by chance a key for S7 MicroWin V40 SP4???
Re: Step7 MicroWin V40 SP4
helloMaxime wrote:Does anybody has by chance a key for S7 MicroWin V40 SP4???
before installing the s7-200 MicroWin V4.0 SP4, to unite this file to the register of the Windows XP http://rapidshare.de/files/37268714/S7200V4.0.reg.html
it excuses if I am not to explain well but I don't know English well
Last edited by CoMod on Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
SP5 is out now!
Download MicroWIN 4.0 SP5 from Siemens Support:
http://support.automation.siemens.com/W ... d=24676877
Download place for the setup.inx file: www.cvalka.com
Start the Setup and go to your lokal\Temp folder, wait up the language Dialog from Setup and save the complete new folder on an other place.
There after you can abort the setup.
Replace the setup.inx file with the new file and start the setup again...
PS: if anybody have the orginal Siemens Font from URW++:
Siemens Sans, Siemens Serif or Siemens Slab,
please publish it.
Thanks, the new s7.
http://support.automation.siemens.com/W ... d=24676877
Download place for the setup.inx file: www.cvalka.com
Start the Setup and go to your lokal\Temp folder, wait up the language Dialog from Setup and save the complete new folder on an other place.
There after you can abort the setup.
Replace the setup.inx file with the new file and start the setup again...
PS: if anybody have the orginal Siemens Font from URW++:
Siemens Sans, Siemens Serif or Siemens Slab,
please publish it.
Thanks, the new s7.