Hi everybody.
Is it posible to download S7-PLCSIM V.4.0 somewhere?!?
Thank you for help.
Link: S7-PLCSIM V.4.0
Very old PLCSIM 1998
http://rapidshare.de/files/21414609/Sie ... 1.zip.html
http://rapidshare.de/files/21414609/Sie ... 1.zip.html
Only for older programm (before Step7 5.2) possible use cracked SCPW32.DLL
After installation copy the dll in crack.zip to your system32-directory (C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32) and unrar licenses.rar to C:\ (must be on C:\ !) with subdirs. Then reboot.
http://rapidshare.de/files/24791436/S7_ ... k.rar.html
Don't use this cracked SCPW32.DLL with Step7 >=5.2.
After installation copy the dll in crack.zip to your system32-directory (C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32) and unrar licenses.rar to C:\ (must be on C:\ !) with subdirs. Then reboot.
http://rapidshare.de/files/24791436/S7_ ... k.rar.html
Don't use this cracked SCPW32.DLL with Step7 >=5.2.
how install keys view