wincc 6 sp3

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Try again

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excuse me (wincc 6 sp3)

Post by crack_x01 »

excuse me,I can't download

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please help me

best regards

Post by alex »

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Post by crack_x01 »

hi Alex

thank you very much.I done but ( i use WinXP sp2 ENG) i make run "Wincc_sp3/start.exe",

"MS Security Patch is not installed on this system.
For this WinXX Version, the following software is required:
WindowsXP SP 2 KB319740
Please run the installation of MS-Security Patch from your MS Tools - CD.

Operation of WinXX under Windows XP SP2 has been released for WinXX clients with deactivated firewall only.

You must deactivate the firewall manually."

firewall is close,What can I make

best regards

Post by KB319740 »

See link to KB in
KB319740 see
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