[?]: non-standard use of Teleservice?

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[?]: non-standard use of Teleservice?

Post by Pedro »


do you have any experience with a non-standard use of Teleservice?
I'm trying to connect via phone link and modem Microcom DeskPorte Pocket (side of PLC) and classic notebook's modem. RS232 port of Microcom modem is connected to a PC adapter (MPI/RS232).
I've installed the Teleservice 6.1 and Prodave MPI.
Now I'm able to connect to the Microcom modem, but further to the PLC it doesn't work.
In Teleservice it is possible to set two kinds of Siemens's modems (TS adapter I/II or TS adapter IE).
I guess that's the problem.
Can you give me some advice?
Is it possible to realize such kind of connection with this modem and PC adapter? Is it the Teleservice necessary?


Best regards, Pedro.
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Post by Scarch »

PC adapter does not work with TS, must be TS adapter, much better > hardware version 5.1. If you have connected a pc adapter between the modem and the PLC, it will not work, as it will not initiate the modem.
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