[?]: De-Salination Plant using reverse osmosis

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[?]: De-Salination Plant using reverse osmosis

Post by reymond_craig » Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:15 am


Good afternoon, sorry for posting this here.
I will be on a project of a desalination plant that uses a reverse osmosis with size of 25 by 277 meter.
I will be incharge on instrumentation or process.
Anybody who knows what should I know
or somebody who have detailed process and instrument,
parameters involved in order to finished this project.

I'm really sorry to the moderatorss but I will use also siemens instruments here according to my employer.
Your future help will be really appreciated and could help me alot.
Thank you very much,
I really need idea of you who already did this or to those who have better idea than me.

Thank you very much in advance

Warm regards,

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Post by CoMod » Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:35 am

What you need ?

This is process flowsheet with membrane metod (reverse osmos)



in Russian wrote: технологическая схема, в основу которой положен мембранный метод первичного опреснения воды - удаление большей части примесей методом обратного осмоса.

Опреснительные установки (ОУ) обратно-осмотического типа - принципиально новые системы по производству пресной воды из морской, очистке речной и даже болотной воды.
and see google
http://www.google.com/search?complete=1 ... A&lr=&aq=f

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