[?]: Algorytm to calculate diameter in Aspo

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[?]: Algorytm to calculate diameter in Aspo

Post by PLC_ITA » Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:20 pm

Hey guys, i need your help.
I need to know the algorytm to calculate in continuos mode
a diameter of the Aspo in a paper machine
I have a speed of the machine and know ( via encoder on the motor )
the speed of motor at the end of this machine. To regulate the speed i need to calculate in continuos the diameter that increase during the

in this machine i put a Siemens PLC, but for select a type of CPU, before
i need to know this system of algoritm

Can you help me ?
Do you know where i can found documentation ?


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Post by graf_STEP7 » Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:24 pm

Can you help me ?
I think it is Easy.
1. Check the speed. U/min.
2. Reset the "round-Counter"
3. Count how often the roll ist turn
4. Wait (1 minute)
5. Check now how often the roll ist turnung after reset.

Now you can calculate how big is the papper.
Now Calculate the fix-roll-diameter .
When you now know how many layer is on roll
--> (min-paper + act-paper) / 2 --> middle of diameter.
You know how many paper is on 1 layer --> Calulate it (aktual length)
Do you know where i can found documentation ?
I think, it give no Documentation for this problem.

P.S. I have an P.M.
You are an Costumer ?
You works for Agnati ?

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Post by CoMod » Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:33 pm

I saw the documentation on frequency converters for manufacture of a paper.
In frequency converters there are built in functions for work with drums of a paper and maintenance of constant speed and a tension of a paper.
Precisely I do not remember - firm EuroDrive seems.

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Post by graf_STEP7 » Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:43 pm

I think, he need answer, how many paper is on the roll !

(It is an big roll, he is looking as an toilettpaper-Roll)
(But it is bigger 2,5 m long. diameter 2,2 m )
(The wight is 2 tonnen)

He is given a big or an short paper.

1 Layer is 0,08 to 0,5 mm.

0,09 mm --> 80g/m*m

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Post by robin_hood » Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:16 am

from eurotherm drives manual


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Post by lorenzo » Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:06 pm

eurotherm drives now is Parker
On 690 vectorial inverters have this function

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Post by ciwa » Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:56 am

Siemens have this application manual for center winder using simoreg, try this manual
http://support.automation.siemens.com/W ... 4=20208582

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Post by company66 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:16 pm

I used ABB drive 800 Winder Unwinder it works perfectly
you need to give the drive the speed line, the torque in %, and another parametre called Tapper in %.
the software that calculate the diameter is preinstalled on the drive by ABB. but first you must contact your nearest ABB dealer he will give you the good drive for your aplication.
I hope i was clear.

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Post by PLC_ITA » Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:15 pm

thank you to all.
i have't resolve the problem because i nee to implement an algorytm in my cpu whitout sobstitute the actual drive.

for now the operator read the motor current and check the tension of the film , and manually regulate the drive
Is a old DC drive whitout integrate function

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Post by koinahi » Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:34 am

use rockwell Drive Application Software. you will find it on
http://www.ab.com/drives/drvappsw/pf700 ... dules.html.
(drivelogix is just like control logix you can open that with rslogix5000)