[?]: SimoPress and Simotion Scout

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[?]: SimoPress and Simotion Scout

Post by mattiawhite » Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:54 am

Hi there everybody,

Question regarding SimoPress – Rta (Siemens application & tools)
Software package for complex mechanical universal presses
Application number: A4027118-N00132-A0418
I have this documet from Siemens „SimoPress_v10_i2_engl.pdf“ where they explaining things to do in Scout for application controlling mechanical press... but there is needed file „simopress.zip“ does maybe anybody have this file or maybe can find it ... or even something else regarding to this application???

...or also any other simotion application that u have can be useful to me if u are willing to share :-)

Many thanks and kindest regards...