Who can open uploaded from OP37 in Protool?

ProTool, WinCC flexible, WinCC, PP/OP/TP/TD/MP
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Who can open uploaded from OP37 in Protool?

Post by KHOA » Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:46 am

Dear all,

I have uploaded from OP(ex OP37).But I do not open it in Protool V6.0
Who can open it in Protool ? Could you show me ?

Or can I know how how many(which) memory is used in OP?


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Joined: Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:09 pm
Location: Europe

Post by flashy » Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:23 am

Sorry KHoa

But the OP37 uses the old Armos chipset and the only way of uploading and downloading without the original apps files created by protool is to use the Prosave utility that can on the protool cd (If this unit was supported as only certain panels were supported), or downloading it from the Siemens website. (Use to be free of charge)

As for the size of the application code, don't know if there's an option on protool to size the overall size

Hope this helps


Best thing i can say is scrap the OP37 and go for the new gen op. panels
like the OP277 which has now replaced the OP270