[?]: Modbus TCP over Red Lion G310 over TCP/IP?

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Julio Cesar
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:07 pm
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[?]: Modbus TCP over Red Lion G310 over TCP/IP?

Post by Julio Cesar » Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:30 pm

Hi guys!!

Someone can tell me how to make a modbus communication over TCP/IP?

I´m doing a test with two panels Red Lion G310 over Modbus TCP protocol.
One panel like a master, the other like a slave.

I´m interesting in this test, because I going to communicate a Panel G310 to Davinci Module by honeywell over Modbus TCP.

I don´t have honeywell's module yet. I need test the Modbus TCP before to buy it.

I have some duobts about net configurations.

So much thanks by your answers.

Best Regards

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