[?+]: GSD file of CQM1-PTR21

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[?+]: GSD file of CQM1-PTR21

Post by votuandktd » Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:49 am

Hi friends,

I need GSD file of CQM1-PTR21, Profibus of PLC Omron.
Its name: 0C_054D.GSD

Many thanks,

Posts: 58
Joined: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:54 am
Location: Russia

Post by Олег » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:37 am

copy-paste in notepad,save with 0C_054D.GSD

Code: Select all

;**                                                                           **
;**      Omron Europe B.V.                                                    **
;**                                                                           **
;**      European Headquarters                                                **
;**      Wegalaan 67-69                                                       **
;**      NL-2132 JD  Hoofddorp                                                **
;**      The Netherlands                                                      **
;**                                                                           **
;**      European Technical Centre                                            **
;**      Zilverenberg 2                                                       **
;**      NL-5234 GM 's-Hertogenbosch                                          **
;**      The Netherlands                                                      **
;**                                                                           **
;**                                                                           **
;**      Device DataBase File for CQM1-PRT21 PLC I/O Slave                    **
;**                                                                           **
;**      Filename:  OC_054D.GSD                                               **
;**      Version :  1.0                                                       **
;**      Date    :  February 23, 2000                                         **
;**                                                                           **
;**      (C) Copyright OMRON Corporation 1998, 1999                           **
;**          All Right Reserved                                               **
;**                                                                           **
;**                                                                           **
;**   Important notice:                                                       **
;**   ==================                                                      **
;**   - Any modification of parameters in this file may lead to undefined     **
;**     behavior of the Profibus-DP system.                                   **
;**                                                                           **
;**                                                                           **
; General information *********************************************************/
#Profibus_DP                                      ;
GSD_Revision        = 1                           ; GSD file revision 1.0.
Vendor_Name         = "OMRON Corporation"         ; Vendor name string.
Model_Name          = "CQM1-PRT21"                ; Model type string.
Ident_Number        = 0x054D                      ; PNO Identification number.
FMS_supp            = 0                           ; Profibus-FMS not supported.
Protocol_Ident      = 0                           ; Profibus-DP supported.
Station_Type        = 0                           ; Station = DP-Slave.
Slave_Family        = 10                          ; Slave family = 10 (PLC).
Revision            = "V1.0"                      ; Device revision 1.0.
Hardware_Release    = "V1.0"                      ; Hardware revision 1.0.
Software_Release    = "V1.0"                      ; Software revision 1.0.
Bitmap_Device       = "OC054D_R"                  ; Bitmap RUNNING
Bitmap_Diag         = "OC054D_D"                  ; Bitmap DIAGNOSTIC
Bitmap_SF           = "OC054D_S"                  ; Bitmap SPECIAL
; Specific implementation information *****************************************/
Implementation_type = "SPC3"                      ; Siemens SPC3 ASIC used.
Redundancy          = 0                           ; Redundancy NOT supported.
Repeater_Ctrl_Sig   = 2                           ; Supported, TTL level
24V_Pins            = 0                           ; No external 24 Volt input.
Set_Slave_Add_supp  = 0                           ; Station address is set
                                                  ; through hardware address
                                                  ; selectors.
; Media access information ****************************************************/
                                                  ; Automatic baud rate select
Auto_Baud_supp      = 1                           ; (SPC3 specific feature).
                                                  ; Supported baud rates:
9.6_supp            = 1                           ; 9600 Baud
19.2_supp           = 1                           ; 19.2 kBaud
45.45_supp          = 1                           ; 45.45 kBaud
93.75_supp          = 1                           ; 93.75 kBaud
187.5_supp          = 1                           ; 187.5 kBaud
500_supp            = 1                           ; 500 kBaud
1.5M_supp           = 1                           ; 1.5 MBaud
3M_supp             = 1                           ; 3 MBaud
6M_supp             = 1                           ; 6 MBaud
12M_supp            = 1                           ; 12 MBaud
                                                  ; Max. response times:
MaxTsdr_9.6         = 60                          ; 60 Tbit = 6.25 msec.
MaxTsdr_19.2        = 60                          ; 60 Tbit = 3.125 msec.
MaxTsdr_45.45       = 250                         ; 250 Tbit = 5.50 msec.
MaxTsdr_93.75       = 60                          ; 60 Tbit = 640 usec.
MaxTsdr_187.5       = 60                          ; 60 Tbit = 320 usec.
MaxTsdr_500         = 100                         ; 100 Tbit = 200 usec.
MaxTsdr_1.5M        = 150                         ; 150 Tbit = 100 usec.
MaxTsdr_3M          = 250                         ; 250 Tbit = 83 usec.
MaxTsdr_6M          = 450                         ; 450 Tbit = 75 usec.
MaxTsdr_12M         = 800                         ; 800 Tbit = 67 usec.
Min_Slave_Intervall = 5                           ; Minimum slave interval =
                                                  ; 0.5 msec.
; DP-slave information ********************************************************/
Freeze_Mode_supp    = 1                           ; Freeze mode supported.
Sync_Mode_supp      = 1                           ; Sync mode supported.
Fail_Safe           = 1                           ; Fail safe supported.
Modular_Station     = 1                           ; Modular station.
Max_Module          = 1                           ; Maximum # of modules: 1. 
Max_Input_Len       = 16                          ; Maximum # of input bytes.
Max_Output_Len      = 16                          ; Maximum # of output bytes.
Max_Data_Len        = 32                          ; Maximum # of data bytes.
Max_Diag_Data_Len   = 6                           ; Maximum diagnostic length.
; User parameter message definition *******************************************/
                                                  ; Preset parameterization
User_Prm_Data_Len   = 3                           ; message length and default
                                                  ; message.
User_Prm_Data       = 0x40,\                      ; Mandatory additional user
                      0x00,\                      ; parameters.
                      0x00                        ;
; Module definition list ******************************************************/
                                                  ; I/O definitions:
Module = " 2 words In/Out" 0x71                   ; 2 words I/O.
EndModule                                         ;
Module = " 4 words In/Out" 0x73                   ; 4 words I/O.
EndModule                                         ;
Module = " 6 words In/Out" 0x75                   ; 6 words I/O.
EndModule                                         ;
Module = " 8 words In/Out" 0x77                   ; 8 words I/O.
EndModule                                         ;
; End of GSD file *************************************************************/
обычно находится по адресу:
C:\Program Files\OMRON\CX-One\CX-Profibus\GSD

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