Ethenet communication between powerflex vfd 525 and delta as series plc!

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Ethenet communication between powerflex vfd 525 and delta as series plc!

Post by totaj1 » Mon May 16, 2022 12:44 pm

Hello, I have some questions I want to control Powerflex VFD from Delta PLC and I'm using a Delta DX2300 to connect them together. I have configured Ethernet addresses in the VFD, and I am communicating with PLC from PC with COMMGR. I want to ask you how communicate PLC with VFD? Should I use HWCONFIG and EIP Build or is there another way?
I tried with EIP Build but when I tried to add PowerFlex I got an error saying "No compatibility EDS file include old version" and I couldnt add driver!
I downloaded EDS file in the Allen Bradley page and installed those eds files in the EIP builder, and the Powerflex shows now but there isnt any parameter there ,I think Im missing something!
I would appreciate if anyone could give me a tip or explain to me what to do in this case!

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